    HomeVitalityYoga for Neck and Shoulder Pain

    Yoga for Neck and Shoulder Pain

    20 Minute Beginners Yoga For Neck, Back, & Shoulder Pain

    Beginners Yoga: How To Relieve Neck Pain, Neck Tension, Headaches, and Shoulder Pain, naturally, Through Yoga! Learn how to Relieve tensions & pain in your neck and shoulders, and help alieviate headaches in this beginners level instructional yoga program.

    Harmonise body, mind and soul in an oceanic setting...

    The traditional art of YOGA has been practiced for 5000 years to help relieve stress, expel negativity, detoxify, build strength, improve the nervous system and improve fitness and flexibility. The series of stretching and 'prana' (breathing) exercises are designed to both challenge and relax, while stimulating focus, balance and positive energy.

    On a deeper level, yoga is a state of being in which all apparent opposites, distinctions and states are reconciled. From this state of union we live without fragmentation or inner conflict.

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