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    Dare To Be Different

    Are you feeling a little bored, following the traditional path simply doing what is expected of you? Study hard, work hard, scrape a living, buy a car, get married, have 2.5 children, get a mortgage, and when you reach retirement age you can then relax and enjoy the 'good life'.

    Does this sound familiar? Now I'm not saying the above scenario is a bad thing, it can be very rewarding, but it describes a 'default life', it is what most people do and it is what each of us will fall into unless we consciously design and create something different.

    How many people that accidentally fell into this default kind of life, actually would really like to do something completely different. How many do you think have talked about it with others, pronounced that one day they'll do this, do that, but never took any action towards it?

    Would a number here be about say 99.9% of the population, or is that too conservative an estimate?

    It's a fact that some of us spend more time planning our holidays than actually planning a hotlifestyle.

    There are millions of people out there just like you who dream about doing something very different with their lives. They know they have so much untapped potential and passion but feel like they can never live out the dream and so it burrows into the back of their minds every minute of the day. Then there are the few, probably about 10% of people who are truly doing what they love or at least moving rapidly towards it on a daily basis and you feel a totally different energy around them, a fire and an excitement.

    So what's the difference between the people who are living out a hotlifestyle and those who live by default just talking about it, hoping and saying things like 'oh they're just lucky'?

    Beyond a shadow of a doubt, the difference is design, physically creating the time to dream their ultimate life, making goals and writing it down and then making a plan to achieve it and then follow it through. That's the difference. Simple isn't it? But how many people actually do this? Perhaps 0.1%, now if you are reading this I'm hoping this 0.1% includes you.

    Here are some starters to take your life out of default mode and into design mode:

    1     DREAM BIG

    Learn to dream big, Remember when you were a kid just before Christmas time and your imagination would run wild, you could have, do, be or go anywhere you wanted and with whoever you wanted. That is your criteria when designing your better future. When you have your goals write them down somewhere where you can access them often. A dream written down with a date becomes a goal so:

    2     SCHEDULE

    Schedule time regularly to, evaluate and carry out your life plans. One thing I really know is that if something is not scheduled, it does not happen. A hotlifestyle doesn't just happen out of the blue, a hotlifestyle comes about through taking time to plan and then taking consistent action towards its realisation. This may be a weekly meeting with yourself which you consciously spend time on reviewing your goals, dreams and what is great in your life and what you can improve.

    3     STEP-BY-STEP

    A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan, so, create a step-by-step plan, which will take you ever closer to your ultimate outcome, write it down and take it with you everywhere and read it whenever you have a spare moment.

    Dare To Be Different4     ONE THING EVERY DAY

    Only a plan backed by actions will make your dreams come true. One of the best pieces of advice I ever got is to do one thing every single day, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant working towards your goals. You will be amazed at how these little things add up and compound to create a hotlifestyle.


    Constantly ask yourself questions. Is this goal still relevant to me today? Am I spending my time on things which really matter or am I doing what is fun and easy, rather than what is hard and necessary? How can I fast track this? Who can I help and who could help me?

    6     NEVER GIVE UP

    Never, ever give up. Napoleon Hill, the author of think and grow rich, wrote 'patience, passion and persistence is the path to success'. I couldn't agree more! The most successful people kept going and going and going, ignoring nay sayers and dealing with every challenge along the way. This is exactly what you have to do if you truly want to be living your passions.

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